A foreign company must register an entity in Bangladesh before it can commence it business here. If you are looking to incorporate or expand your business to Bangladesh, you may consider the following options. Investor can register one of the below options:

  • Private Limited
Any foreign investors can start doing business in Bangladesh as a local company with 100% foreign shareholding. This is the only choice for individual investors have legal business setup entry in Bangladesh. Among other market entry options, the most popular one for a foreign corporate investor is to setup a subsidiary company in Bangladesh. The subsidiary company shall enjoy the same benefits what a local corporate enjoy. Commonly considered as a representative office of parent company overseas, it can be your first step to enter the Bangladesh market. The purpose of this legal entity is marketing activity, customer coordination, business development or conducting market research. No direct selling or generating revenues is allowed. Apart from setting up a subsidiary company, foreign companies wishing to stake a presence in Bangladesh can also consider branch office as an option. A registered branch office in Bangladesh is an extension of its foreign parent company registered outside of Bangladesh and carry out commercial activities in a limited area.

Comparatives among Different Options

Subsidiary Company Branch Office Branch Office Liaison /Representative office
Description Separate legal entity from its parent company;
  • Not a separate legal entity from the headquarter (foreign company);
  • An extension of the foreign company;
  • Not a separate legal entity from the headquarter (foreign company);
  • An extension of the foreign company;
Key Registration Requirements
  • Name: The name can be different from the parent company;
  • Constitution: Having its own constitution/MOA/AOA;
  • Registered Address: Registered office address located in Bangladesh
  • Shareholding: Parent company can hold 100% shareholding
  • Paid up Capital:Minimum BDT 1 paid up capital
  • Name: The name of the Bangladesh liaison must be the same of the foreign company
  • Constitution: No separate constitution/MOA/AOA from the foreign company
  • Registered Address: Registered office address located in Bangladesh
  • Shareholding: N/A
  • Paid up Capital:N/A
  • Name: The name of the representative/ liaison office must be the same of the foreign company
  • Constitution: No separate constitution/MOA/AOA from the foreign company
  • Registered Address: Registered office address located in Bangladesh
  • Shareholding: N/A
  • Paid up Capital:N/A
Documents Required
  • A board resolution to select the bank in Bangladesh to open a temporary/in-operative bank account to bring the initial equity investment and the bank signatories
  • Photographs of all Shareholders
  • Copy of the Incorporation Certificate , MOA & AOA of parent company
  • A board resolution authorizing a specific individual to sign necessary subsidiary documents on behalf of the parent company
  • A board resolution to select the bank in Bangladesh to open a temporary/in-operative bank account to bring the initial equity investment and the bank signatories
  • Draft MOA & AOA
  • Signed subscriber form, directors consent and declaration of register address
  • Certified copy of the passport for all directors of the foreign company
  • Photograph of all directors of foreign company
  • Certified copy of incorporation certificate, MOA&AOA, auditors report for last FY, Tax registration details of the foreign company
  • A board resolution to take the decision to open a liaison office in Bangladesh, authorizing a specific individual to sign necessary registration documents on behalf of the foreign company
  • A board resolution to select the bank in Bangladesh to open an operative bank account and the bank signatories
  • Deceleration of business activities conducted in Bangladesh under the liaison office
  • Bangladesh office organization chart
  • Certified copy of the passport for all directors of the foreign company
  • Photograph of all directors of foreign company
  • Certified copy of incorporation certificate, MOA&AOA, auditors report for last FY, Tax registration details of the foreign company
  • A board resolution to take the decision to open a liaison office in Bangladesh, authorizing a specific individual to sign necessary registration documents on behalf of the foreign company
  • A board resolution to select the bank in Bangladesh to open an operative bank account and the bank signatories
  • Deceleration of non-commercial activities conducted in Bangladesh under the liaison office
  • Bangladesh liaison office organization chart
Compliance Filing
  • RJSC: File Annual Return and audited financial report of the subsidiary to RJSC;
  • Tax: 2 monthly TDS tax reporting, 1 half yearly TDS reporting, 2 annual TDS reporting and 1 annual tax return filing
  • VAT/GST: Monthly VAT return, declaration of input-output coefficient and required to maintain VAT/GST record keeping
  • FDI : Quarterly FDI reporting to Bangladesh central bank
  • Licensing: Renewal of trade license, IRC & ERC;
  • BIDA: File quarterly return to BIDA/Bangladesh central bank and tax authority
  • Tax: monthly TDS tax reporting, 1 half yearly TDS reporting, 2 annual TDS reporting and 1 annual tax return filing
  • VAT/GST: Monthly VAT return, declaration of input-output coefficient and required to maintain VAT/GST record keeping;
  • Licensing:Renewal of trade license, IRC & ERC;;
  • BIDA: File quarterly return to BIDA/Bangladesh central bank and tax authority
  • Tax: 2 monthly TDS tax reporting, 1 half yearly TDS reporting, 2 annual TDS reporting and 1 annual tax return filing
  • VAT/GST: Monthly VAT return and maintenance VAT/GST record keeping is only required when liaison office has VAT/GST registration
  • Licensing:Renewal of trade license
Allowed Activities
  • Can have different business activities from the parent company
  • Business activates defines as per business objective clause of Memorandum
  • Must be the same as the foreign company
  • BIDA shall not allow any business activities other than its parent’s business.
  • Can only do market research, customer coordination or feasibility studies
  • No business activity.
Valid period Till company is closed
  • Till the validity of BIDA permission period
  • It is renewable, application for renewal must be placed before 2 months of the expiry of current permission
  • Till the validity of BIDA permission period
  • It is renewable, application for renewal must be placed before 2 months of the expiry of current permission
Liability Since it is a separate legal entity. Any legal proceeding will be towards the subsidiary company only; Parent company is fully responsible for any liabilities from the branch office; Parent company is fully responsible for any liabilities from the representative/liaison office;
  • Considered as a resident company and is eligible for tax benefits like a local company
  • General Corporate Tax rate is 35%
  • Considered as non-resident company for tax purposes. No Tax benefits
  • General Corporate Tax rate is 35%
Staff Hiring
  • No restriction on hiring local employee
  • 1 foreign employee can be hired against each 5 local employees
  • No restriction on hiring local employee
  • 1 foreign employee can be hired against each 5 local employees
  • No restriction on hiring local employee
  • 1 foreign employee can be hired against each 5 local employees