Types Of Company Registration In Bangladesh

A foreign company must register an entity in Bangladesh before it can commence it business here. If you are looking to incorporate or expand your business to Bangladesh, you may consider the following options. Investor can register one of the below options: Private Limited Private Limited Companies are suitable for individual businesses entrepreneurs that require […]

Mode Of Entry Into Bnagladesh

A foreign company intending to expand its business to Bangladesh, usually have option either to choose Equity-based entry mode or Non-equity-based entry mode. Incorporating a subsidiary company is considered as Equity-based entry mode and setting up a Branch or Liaison office is called non-equity-based entry mode. Equity-based Entry / Incorporate a Subsidiary: Foreign Investors can […]

Restricted And Protected Busineess For Foreign Investor In Bnagladesh

Though foreign investment and 100% foreign ownership is permitted in general, with a limited industries and business activities which have some restriction for foreign investment in Bangladesh as below: Businesses where 100% Foreign ownership is not permitted Number of business activities mentioned as below where 100% foreign ownership is not allowed: Courier service agent Buying […]

How To Register A Private Limited Company In Bangladesh

How To Register A Private Limited Company In Bangladesh A foreign investor is eligible to register a 100% foreign owned Private Limited Company (PLC) in Bangladesh which is commonly known as FDI company. It is the preferred business arrangement for individual entrepreneurs who want to establish a local company in Bangladesh. Characteristics of a Private […]

How To Register A Liaison Office In Bangladesh

How To Register A Liasion Office In Bangladesh A liaison office is suitable for foreign companies that wish to set up an administrative office to explore business opportunities in Bangladesh or coordinate activities on behalf of its parent company. A liaison office does not have any legal status and thus, cannot be engaged in any […]

How To Open A Branch Office In Bangladesh

The advantages and scope of profit through opening a branch office in Bangladesh attract many foreign investors to the country. A branch office can easily conduct its everyday operations with the approval of the brand office registration body, BIDA. However, it is not a separate organization. Now you are wondering how to open a branch […]